How To Reduce Waste In The Kitchen: 3 Easy Tips Towards Sustainablity

Looking to save money on water and reduce your impact on the environment? Cutting down on water in the kitchen is one of the easiest ways to do just that!
The kitchen is a place you spend a lot of time, but that doesn't mean you need to make massive changes to make a massive difference. Here are 3 easy ways to reduce your environmental waste.
1. Compost your scraps instead of using the garbage disposal.
Composting your scraps will help you avoid using water to process them through a garbage disposal. Garbage disposals are cool, but they can get clogged sometimes, forcing you to use water to move the scraps all the way through. Composting your scraps is a great way to take care of your kitchen equipment, and puts you right on your way to sustainable living.
PRO-TIP: If you don't want to go out and buy a fancy compost tin, you can recycle old coffee cans instead.
2. Use a more efficient faucet.
Highly efficient faucets are one of the best ways to save water. By using a faucet with a lower GPM rate (gallons per minute), you can still get the same cleaning power as a regular faucet, without the downside of using more water. This method is great because you don't even have to think about it - you're already using a faucet anyway!
3. Don't leave the water running while cleaning the dishes.
This is why we love having double bowl sinks. You can fill one bowl with soapy water, and one with rinsing water. If you only have one bowl, you can gather washed dishes on a dish rack (or our handy dandy roll up mat) and rinse them with a hand-spray.